La mattina di Sabato 2 luglio, dalle ore 11.00 alle ore 12.30, si terranno le Digital Challenges, sessioni parallele tenute da Alumni BBS e Direttori della nostra Faculty.
Di seguito i topic con i relativi Challenger e Discussant.
Per partecipare, clicca qui.
Data Security and identity strategy plan to protect businesses in a digital landscape |
Challenger |
Discussant |
Luca Martelli Director Identity & Security Solutions EMEA, OracleBBS Alumnus, EMBA |
Andrea Lipparini Professor of StrategyEMBA Director, BBS |
Electronic documents and Handwritten Biometric Signature |
Challenger |
Discussant |
Stefano Zanoli E-signing Strategic and Business Developer Manager, Unimatica S.p.ABBS Alumnus, EMBA |
Roberto Grandi Professor of Communication ManagementMaster in Marketing, Communication and New Media Director, BBS |
People and organizations in the digital era |
Challenger |
Discussant |
Marco Ciscato Board Member at MAPS S.p.a.BBS Faculty |
Alessandra Zammit Professor of MarketingBBS Faculty |
Topic 2: Digital Channel and Omnichannel Experience to Drive Business Growth
How to transform a traditional company into fintech star |
Challenger |
Discussant |
Davide Caramico Head of Business Development Italy, Western UnionBBS Alumnus, EMBA |
Emanuele Bajo Professor of FinanceAssociate Dean, BBS |
Tackling the challenges of export of Made in Italy in the digital era |
Challenger |
Discussant |
Andrea Pia General Manager, H-ArtBBS Faculty |
Ludovica Leone Professor of Strategy and Governance of Cultural Industries and InstitutionsMBA Food and Wine Director, BBS |
Online2Store: how to generate (and measure) physical stores visits & sales from online marketing activities |
Challenger |
Discussant |
Nereo Sciutto President Webranking, BBS Faculty |
Elisa Montaguti Professor of MarketingGlobal MBA Director, BBS |
Topic 3: Leading the Market through Different Forms of Digital Innovation
Getting close to customers through digital technologies in physical bank branches |
Challenger |
Discussant |
Andrea Falleni Senior Vice President e COO Financial Services & Manufacturing, Capgemini BBS Alumnus, EMBA |
Angelo Manaresi Professor of Marketing CDE Director, BBS |
Is the Internet shaping the economy as a stack of platforms providing commodities? |
Challenger |
Discussant |
Maurizio Fionda CEO Diennea, MagNews BBS Faculty |
Paola SalomoniProfessor of Computer Science Vice Rector to Digital Technologies |
Topic 4: Digital Revolution in the B2B
How can companies go beyond cultural, technological and organizational limits to Digital Transformation? |
Challenger |
Discussant |
Giovanni Scardovi General Manager Dedagroup Wiz, DedagroupBBS Faculty |
Chiara Orsingher Professor of MarketingBBS Faculty |
Industry 4.0: are you ready for the future? |
Challenger |
Discussant |
Christian Pezzin Chief Digital Officer, OCME Srl BBS Alumnus, MBA weekend |
Laura ToschiProfessor of Entrepreneurship and Innovation BBS Faculty |